As you may have understood already, ROTS SOASC= Project is *NOT* re-recording everything from HVSC #01-49 all over again. ROTS Project is to continue where we left off from 49, thus recording #50 and upto current release #63 with aims of continuing for a long long time into the forthcoming years of the release packs from HVSC as they appear.
So, to set the record straight (pun intended), the following tunes in HVSC#49 will be re-recorded and relased as FLAC during the ROTS project.
The counted amount of SID files in HVSC#49 is 36081. The following included re-recorded tunes below counts 11528.
These SID files are part of the individual release packs from 50 upto 63 they comes into the category of bugfixes, credits fixes and more.
Please review these related article links: