Stone Oakvalley's Authentic SID Collection (SOASC=)
The automated Commodore 64 SID Music recorded to MP3/FLAC. Project based on High Voltage SID Collection & Compute's Gazette SID (CGSC)


T H E   R E A L   D E A L   I N    - A U T H E N T I C -    C O M M O D O R E   6 4   M U S I C  !

1st Generation (Hardware Porn)
in All about SOASC= | Sunday, March 01, 2015 | 00:19

This was the first setup used, but since of its massive space needed it was later re-built.


1 x Commodore 64 BreadBox with 6581 SID Chip.
1 x Commodore 64 WhiteyBox with 8580 SID Chip.
2 x Server PC's (33MHz and 233MHz) running in DOS mode with 64HDD as fileserver for the Commodore 64 .prg's.
2 x Recording PC's (800Mhz and 933Mhz) running in WinME with own programmed record software (SIDREC).
2 x 1084 Monitors.
4 x 15 Inch Monitors
2 x Own constructed PAR Relay to Commodore 64 keyboard interface.
2 x Homemade XE1541 Cables.
2 x Homemade Audio/Video Commodore 64 Cables.
12 x 220V Power plug connections needed.

As you can see from the pictures, the hardware setup is a real mess. But if it works, who cares :)

The keyboard and top chassis of the Commodore's are removed.

A own tool called SIDREC (for Windows) was programmed in PureBasic which controls everything and keep track of the recording process. The function of the program is to RESET, LOAD, RECORD, CONVERT, MAKE MP3 (with tags from HVSC .INI files) and go in a loop for about 13+ weeks, 24 hour a day!

It also detects when 64HDD has finished loading the .PRG file into the C64, at which point the SIDREC start to record the tune.

A ServerPC and a RecordPC was setup (with no cabinets for easier access) and put on a huge table with 6 CRT's and a shitload of power connectors and my god the wires!

Pictures here will tell their own story, you can see all the software running and the 8580 C64 in action.

A fan system (running at 5v) was also made to cool down the SID chip, 2 HD's, C64 power supply and a old crappy 33MHZ SX Processor!

Posted by: Old-schooler, Stone Oakvalley | Publisher: Crazy Multi Talent, Stone Oakvalley
Last revised: December 07, 2022 - 17:33 | Page views: 5920

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